
Eyemasks Pinata 225 F Face & Body paint 226 Fairytale costumes 166–181 Fan Peter Rabbit 217 Fart Putty 208 Fire Fighter Costume 149 Helmet 149 Flamingo costume 85 Flapper costume 135 Flat Cap 134 Foam Hand 209 Fortune Teller costume 162 Fox Costume 92, 178 Kit 105 Mask 107, 109 Frankenstein 67 Frozen 60–61 G Gangster costume 135 Geisha costume 161 Ghostbusters 64–65 Gigantosaurus 22–23 Gingerbread Man costume 169 Giraffe Costume 87 Kit 87 Mask 109 Gloves 165 Glow Sticks 202 Goat costume 92 Goggles 146, 173 Goldilocks costume 166 Gothic Schoolgirl Costume 188 Wig 189 Grease 38 Greasepaints 227 Grecian costume 112 Gretel costume 168 Gruffalo 6 Tableware 210–211 Gun 148 H Hansel costume 168 Hatch Eggs 208 Hats Bowler 134 Cowboy 124 Little Mermaid 50 Llama Costume 83 Pinata 223 Lollipop 173 L.O.L. Surprise 20–21 M Maid costume 131 Make-up Brushes 228 Crayons 227 Face & Body paint 226 Greasepaints 227 Paint Sticks 227 Palette 227 Point of Sale 229 Sponges 228 Masha & the Bear 24 Tableware 218–219 Masks 106–109 Bee 109 Deer 106 Duck 107 Fox 107, 109 Giraffe 109 Lamb 108 Leopard 108 Lion 108 Owl 107 Panda 108 Pig 107 Pirate 109 Rabbit 106 Sheep 33 Shrek 35 Tiger 109 Unicorn 109 Wolf 108 Medieval costume 126–127 Mermaid Costume 50, 170–171 Headband 172 Wig 172 Minecraft 41 Minnie Mouse 62 Moana 46 Mog 9 Mole costume 15 Monkey Costume 96 Pinata 222 Mouse costume 6, 62, 92, 169 Mulan 45 Mummy 67 Evacu ee 139 Fire Fighter 149 Flat cap 134 Pirate 121 Stripy 165 Top Hat 134, 173 Witch 190 Hatter costume 173 Headband 104 Mermaid 172 Minnie Mouse 62 Shrek 35 Unicorn 101 He-Man 36 Highway Rat 7 Hippy costume 141 Horrible Histories 30–32 Humpty Dumpty costume 166 I Iggle Piggle 19 In the Night Garden 19 Irish costume 156 J Jewellery Light Up 202 K King costume 115, 181 Knight costume 115 L Ladybird kit 102 Lamb Costume 93 Mask 108 Leopard mask 108 Le Petit Prince 12 Light Up 203–209 Balls 202 Baton 199 Bubble Gun 203 Jewellery 202 Necklace 202 Puffers 204 Specs 202 Spinner 198 Sword 199–201 Wand 197 Windmill Gun 198 Lion Costume 10, 90, 96 Mask 108 235 Smiffys Childrens Collection 2024 | Index