21-187B_Chasing_Fireflies_Brochure 2021_v2

IWant Candy! Whether they’re a cupcake or candy kind of gal, they’ll be looking sweet in our food inspired costumes . 1. New, Sprinkles Girls, CF862472, includes dress, glasses & hair clip, sizes 4-14. 2. Smart Cookie, 64011, includes robe, tabard, hat & glasses, sizes 4-12. 3. Cupcake, 71081, includes 3D cupcake pullover and headband, sizes 4-12. 4. Candy Fairy, CF832408, includes dress, sizes 4-16. Candy Fairy Headband, CF832410. Candy FairyWings, CF832415. Sparkle Pink Play Shoes, CF861567, sizes 9-5. 1 2 4 3 22 chasing-fireflies.com 1-888-389-5402